ep 200 – Progs 621-624

In our thrilling TWO HUNDREDTH episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 621-624 of 2000AD, covering April of 1989. This episode Dredd is heading down south for justice, Anderson is in a psychic showdown, Medivac 318 comes down hard, and Rogue Trooper gets held up on his way to Cinnabar!

Thrills Covered:

  • Anderson, Psi Division
  • Medivac 318
  • Judge Dredd
  • Strontium Dog
  • Daily Dredds
  • Zippy Couriers
  • Tales from the Doghouse
  • Rogue Trooper
  • Future Shocks

In honor of our 200th, check out a breakdown of our top and bottom thrills here, or enjoy this pie chart!

Contact the show at: spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Like a Prayer by Madonna


Collection 29 – Harry 20 On The High Rock

It’s Crime Time AGAIN! Also it’s the twenty-ninth in our series of Space Spinner 2000 collections! These collections have all of our coverage for a specific character or storyline, all in one place. They’re a great accompaniment to reading collected versions of 2000AD, or to just hear your favorite thrill all in one place.

Stop the World, I wanna get on! Harry 20 comes right at the dawn of what we here at Space Spinner chart as the golden age of 2000, roughly from 1982 to 1986. It’s a story of a man unjustly sent to space prison, the people he meets there, and his attempts to escape. It’s a decent sized tale at 21 progs, but is often one Fox and I refer to as an example of a great one-off thrill. Something that shows up, has a story to tell, and then leaves, without trying to become a regular feature or set up a sequel or anything like that. Some of that might be due to the famously difficult time the notorious GFD had with 2000AD editors, but I always have a place in my heart for this kind of thing. Plus to my mind it has one of the greatest twists in 2000AD history, and I say this as the podcast enters 1989 and 90, which are a very twisty era for 2000AD indeed!


Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Theme Song for Oz, Theme Song for The Great Escape

ep 199 – 1989 Judge Dredd Mega-Special

In our thrilling hundred and ninety-ninth episode we continue our journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with the 1989 Judge Dredd Mega-Special. It’s the second Judge Dredd Mega-Special, with all new stories by newer Dredd artists and a lot of background information about Dredd and his world.

This episode Conrad is joined by Eli, indie comic maker and future host of our Judge Dredd Megazine spin-off Big Meg One! Look for more info on Big Meg Meg over the coming months, and check out Eli’s comics as Slim Stories on Facebook and on Webtoons.com!

Thrills Covered:

  • A Night at the Basho
  • An Examination of the Mega-City One Judge System
  • Birdman
  • Judge Hershey
  • Democratic Bulletin
  • Son of Ratty’s Revenge
  • The Special Judicial Squad

Contact the show at: spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: So Alive by Love and Rockets


Collection 28 – The Stainless Steel Rat

It’s Crime Time! Also it’s the twenty-eighth in our series of Space Spinner 2000 collections! These collections have all of our coverage for a specific character or storyline, all in one place. They’re a great accompaniment to reading collected versions of 2000AD, or to just hear your favorite thrill all in one place.

The Stainless Steel Rat! I’m not sure how Tharg got the idea to adapt some short, fun, sci fi novels into comics, but it very much works! The Stainless Steel Rat is a story of crime and adventure in the far future, starring the smoothest criminal of them all, James Bolivar diGriz. He always has an answer to everything, at least until he gets drafted into the Special Corps and starts having to take down criminals instead of doing crimes himself (kinda, he does do plenty of crimes while taking out criminals). Add in a lovely wife and eventually teenaged sons, plus a dash of time travel and/or political intrigue and you’ve got a perfect stew of thrill power! I read the books when I was a kid, though I only have a slight memory of them. These days I can’t think of reading without imagining diGriz as Ezquerra’s James Coburn look-alike!


Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Our Man Flint by Jerry Goldsmith

ep 198 – Progs 616-620

In our thrilling hundred and ninety-eighth episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 616-620 of 2000AD, covering March & April of 1989. This episode Dredd fights a little blue man, Johnny Alpha fights a Feral mutant, Judges Anderson and Corey fight for psychic justice, and Medivac 318 isn’t fighting anyone, they’re here to help! We’re getting rowdy this episode!

Thrills Covered:

  • Anderson, Psi Division
  • Night Zero
  • Swifty’s Return
  • Judge Dredd
  • Strontium Dog
  • Tales from the Doghouse
  • Zippy Couriers
  • Medivac 318
  • The Daily Dredds
  • Future Shocks

Contact the show at: spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Too Many Broken Hearts by Jason Donovan


Collection 27 – Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 5

Drokk it! It’s the twenty-seventh in our series of Space Spinner 2000 collections! These collections have all of our coverage for a specific character or storyline, all in one place. They’re a great accompaniment to reading collected versions of 2000AD, or to just hear your favorite thrill all in one place.

We’re back in Mega-City One for a massive, nearly three hour episode! Case Files Five covers over a year of Dredd stories and is truly massive, covering everything from organized crime rackets to violent camping trips. Everything from global thermonuclear war to trans-dimensional avatars of death! If you want it, Case Files 5 has it, and right now you can get a digital version free at the Rebellion webstore (see link below), or buy it at your preferred bookseller!


Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Spirits of the Future by roughNX (find them at https://www.roughnx.com)

ep 197 – 1989 Sc-Fi Special

In our thrilling hundred and ninety-seventh episode we continue our journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with the 1989 Sci-Fi Special of 2000AD. This Special is for the fellows, with all the stories featuring female protagonists!

This episode Conrad is joined by the blithesome Pete Wells! A legend in the 2000AD fan community, you can find his work at:

https://sensorystoriespodcast.com/ and http://2000adcovers.blogspot.com/

Thrills Covered:

  • Moon Runners
  • Judge Corey
  • The Amazing Maze Dumoir
  • Tyranny Rex
  • Secrets of the Command Module
  • Zippy Couriers
  • Crime Blitz!

Contact the show at: spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Pump Up the Jam Nothing by Technotronic featuring Felly

Collection 26 – Sláine: Warrior’s Dawn

Kiss my axe! It’s the twenty-sixth in our series of Space Spinner 2000 collections! These collections have all of our coverage for a specific character or storyline, all in one place. They’re a great accompaniment to reading collected versions of 2000AD, or to just hear your favorite thrill all in one place.

More than most thrills, Slaine is a story with distinctive eras, easily identified by their artists. This collection has most of the first era, with work by series creator Angela Kincaid (Angela Mills at the time), along with McMahon and Belardinelli. AFter this we’ll be in the time killers era with Glenn Fabry, David Pugh, and Mark Farmer, and we’re soon to enter the Simon Bisley era on the podcast. This early era is interesting because of how low to the ground it is. It’s got a very Conan feel to it, just a barbarian and his sidekick wandering the land, looking for trouble, and I think it can be interesting to compare this callow youth with the more grown up Sláine that we’ll see in the Horned God. I hope you enjoy these early Sláine stories, and my terrible pronunciation of Celtic names!

ep 196 – Progs 612-615

In our thrilling hundred and ninety-sixth episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 612 to 615 of 2000AD, covering February of 1989. This episode Tanner heads to the roof, Judge Anderson goes clubbing, Swifty returns and crashes TWO parties, Strontium Dog peeks in, and we’ll see the revenge of both a spider-woman and a little blue man!

Thrills Covered:

  • Anderson, Psi Division
  • Tales from the Doghouse
  • Judge Dredd
  • Night Zero
  • Shok
  • Zippy Couriers
  • Swifty’s Return
  • Strontium Dog
  • Future Shocks

Contact the show at: spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Something’s Gotten Hold of My Heart by Marc Almond with Gene Pitney


Collection 25 – Strontium Dog: Outlaw

Yer a dead dog Alpha! It’s the twenty-fifth in our series of Space Spinner 2000 collections! These collections have all of our coverage for a specific character or storyline, all in one place. They’re a great accompaniment to reading collected versions of 2000AD, or to just hear your favorite thrill all in one place.

Outlaw is the first real contemporary, full powered Strontium Dog epic. While Journey to hell features a Johnny, Wulf, and Gronk out of their element and without many time weapons, and Portrait of a mutant is about young Johnny, this is our hero at the height of his powers. It also brings in characters from both those previous epics and from smaller stories we’ve seen along the way, like Middenface McNulty and the Stix brothers, to say nothing of the ultimate evil, which I’ll not spoil at this point. It’s time to get the band back together and fight once more for mutant kind! Keep an eye out for my favorite, the Torso from Newcastle, as we head out with Strontium Dog: Outlaw!