ep 154 – Progs 487-490

In our thrilling hundred and fifty-fourth episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 487-490 of 2000AD, covering September and October of 1986. This episode Judge Dredd deals with crime in Atlantis, The Wheeldebeasts attack in Metalzoic, Nemesis meets the Monads, and Strontium Dog’s path of RAGE reaches its conclusion!

Thrills Covered:

  • Judge Dredd
  • Metalzoic
  • Nemesis the Warlock
  • Ace Trucking
  • Strontium Dog
  • Future Shocks
  • Sooner or Later

Contact the show at: spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Don’t Leave Me This Way by The Communards


ep 153 – Progs 483-486

In our thrilling hundred and fifty-third episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 483-486 of 2000AD, covering August and September of 1986. This episode Swifty runs for office, Judge Dredd fights Stan Lee and heads to Atlantis, Excelsior! Johnny Alpha makes some new chums, Torquemada heads back to the far far future, and watch out Brians, Metalzoic starts here!

Thrills Covered:

  • Judge Dredd
  • Metalzoic
  • Nemesis the Warlock
  • Ace Trucking
  • Strontium Dog
  • Future Shocks
  • Sooner or Later

Contact the show at: spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: I Want to Wake Up with You by Boris Gardiner


ep 152 – Progs 479-482

In our thrilling hundred and fifty-second episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 479-482 of 2000AD, covering July and August of 1986. This episode Judge Dredd gets the urge, Johnny gets squiddy, Ace Trucking gets critical, and Swifty joins the Sweeneys!

Thrills Covered:

  • Strontium Dog
  • Judge Dredd
  • Ace Trucking
  • Nemesis the Warlock
  • Sooner or Later
  • Future Shocks

Contact the show at: spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Lady in Red by Chris De Burgh


ep 151 – Progs 475-478

In our thrilling hundred and fifty-first episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 475-478 of 2000AD, covering June and July of 1986. This time Strontium Dog heads to the mines, Bad City Blows, Judge Anderson makes a hard decision, and Ace Trucking can’t stop here, this is Rambo country!

Thrills Covered:

  • Bad City Blue
  • Anderson Psi Division
  • Judge Dredd
  • Ace Trucking Co
  • Strontium Dog
  • Sooner or Later
  • Future Shocks

Contact the show at: spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Papa Don’t Preach by Madonna


ep 150 – Progs 471-474

In our thrilling hundred and fiftieth episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 471-474 of 2000AD, covering May and June of 1986. This week Johnny deals with hijackers, Anderson goes to another world, Blue learns the truth, Swifty heads to the Street of Many Madmen, Ace Trucking gets away with it, and we learn the law according to “Dredd!” Wow, 150 episodes! Here’s to many many more!

Thrills Covered:

  • Anderson, Psi Division
  • Bad City Blue
  • Judge Dredd
  • Ace Trucking Co.
  • Strontium Dog
  • Sooner or Later
  • Future Shocks

Contact the show at: spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: The Chicken Song by Spitting Image


ep 149 – Progs 467-470

In our thrilling hundred and forty-ninth episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 467-470 of 2000AD, covering April and May of 1986. This week Ace Trucking catches us up, Judge Anderson exorcises, the citizens of mega City one are mental, Strontium Dog has feels some rage, and Michael “Swifty” Swift is looking for a job in the far future!

Thrills Covered:

  • Strontium Dog
  • Ace Trucking Co.
  • Judge Dredd
  • Sooner or Later
  • Anderson Psi Division
  • Bad City Blue
  • Future Shocks and Tharg the Mighty

Contact the show at: spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: A Different Corner by George Michael


Collection 16 – Nemesis the Warlock

Credo! It’s the sixteenth in our series of Space Spinner 2000 collections! These collections have all of our coverage for a specific character or storyline, all in one place. They’re a great accompaniment to reading collected versions of 2000AD, or to just hear your favorite thrill all in one place.

I’ve sort of been dreading doing this collection because early Nemesis is some of my favorite 2000AD stuff ever, and it’s hard to organize my thoughts without completely gushing over everything. This is the classic tale of a demonic and draconic alien fighting against the evil forces of humanity in a far future highway system. The story is fun, the art is amazing, Nemesis is the greatest! This episode covers the first part of either the Nemesis Complete Collection volume one or the full color Deviant Edition.



Songs: Nemesis by Shriekback, Going Underground by The Jam, The Inquisition by Mel Brooks

Collection 15 – Portrait of a Mutant

No Surrender! It’s the fifteenth in our series of Space Spinner 2000 collections! These collections have all of our coverage for a specific character or storyline, all in one place. They’re a great accompaniment to reading collected versions of 2000AD, or to just hear your favorite thrill all in one place.

We last talked about Strontium Dog in our 9th collection, when we covered the Journey to hell storyline. We’re now 81 progs in the future and Johnny and Wulf have been working steadily. They’ve time traveled to collect a bounty on Hitler, won millions for Milton Keynes in space poker, and fought evil man-eating space baboon Bad Bob. Now it’s finally time to learn more about Britain’s future and Johnny Alpha’s past in the classic story Portrait of a Mutant! It’s one of the most important Strontium Dog stories, and possibly all of 2000AD! You can find this amazing tale at the 2000AD webstore, or wherever books are sold.


Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Spirits of the Future by roughNX (find them at https://www.roughnx.com)

Collection 14 – Return to Armageddon

The end is here! It’s the fourteenth in our series of Space Spinner 2000 collections! These collections have all of our coverage for a specific character or storyline, all in one place. They’re a great accompaniment to reading collected versions of 2000AD, or to just hear your favorite thrill all in one place.

We’ve all found ourselves in fairly generic sci-fi settings, exploring new life and new civilizations and all that. But what happens if instead of finding more dudes with weird ears and foreheads you found a planet covered in ice, with dead people and literal demons frozen in the glaciers? What if your story about the machinations of space pirates suddenly runs afoul of zombies and demonic babies? What if your story about being the handsome chosen one in a battle of galactic fate gets sidetracked, and instead you find yourself irreparable scarred and wishing for a death that cannot come, your only compassion an anti-social robot that is actually pretty cool with helping other robots kill all humans? All this and more make Return to Armageddon an amazing story! It’s certainly a minor early 2000AD thrill, but if you listen tour giddiness about it, I think you’ll see why it’s a Space Spinner classic! You can find this two thirds great story at the 2000AD webstore, or wherever books are sold.


Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Spirits of the Future by roughNX (find them at https://www.roughnx.com)

ep 148 – 1987 2000AD Annual

In our thrilling hundred forty-eighth episode we continue our journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with the 1987 2000AD Annual. This is the tenth 2000AD annual and we’re seeing a great combination of new stories and classic thrills in these pages. The highlights of this year’s annual include the classic Ro-Busters story The Terra-Meks, stories of a young Strontium Dog, and some undercover work in Mega-City One!

This episode Conrad is joined by 2000AD super fan Dave Wynn, aka Scowling Monkey!

Find his work, including a bunch of 2000AD fan art, here: https://www.deviantart.com/scowlingmonkey

Thrills Covered:

  • Rogue Trooper
  • Future Shocks
  • Daily Dredds
  • Judge Dredd
  • Ro-Busters
  • Strontium Dog
  • Judge Anderson

Contact the show at: spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Living On A Prayer by Bon Jovi
