ep 64 – Progs 210-214

In our thrilling sixty-fourth episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 210-214 of 2000 AD, covering May of 1981. Join us as the mutant army attacks Upminster Palace, we travel the spaceways with Judge Dredd, head north with Meltdown Man, and near the conclusion of Return to Armageddon! Also we have an extended conversation about audio cassette tapes, and Fox’s mind is blown by the existence of cassingles!

Thrills Covered: 

  • Strontium Dog
  • Future Shocks
  • Judge Dredd
  • Return to Armageddon
  • Meltdown Man

Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Stand and Deliver by Adam and the Ants


ep 63 – Progs 206-209

In our thrilling sixty-third episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 206-209 of 2000 AD, covering April of 1981. Join us as Judge Dredd choppers up Mega-City One’s massive graffiti problem, young Johnny Alpha foments rebellion, our heroes finally Return to Armageddon, we meet lionmen and camelmen along with Meltdown Man, Future Shocks continue with the return of Abelard Snazz, and CROYDON IS MISSING!

Thrills Covered: 

  • Strontium Dog
  • Future Shocks
  • Judge Dredd
  • Return to Armageddon
  • Meltdown Man
  • Tharg the Mighty

Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Making Your Mind Up by Bucks Fizz


ep 62 – Progs 202-205

In our thrilling sixty-second episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 202-205 of 2000 AD, covering March of 1981. Join us as Judge Dredd deals with out of control superbikes and Pug Uglys, A robot rebellion beings in Return to Armageddon, we start arms running with Meltdown Man, a young Johnny Alpha joins the resistance, and Future Shocks return! I hope you brought your airhorns. Also this episode we reach an awesome milestone, we’ve now read 10 percent of 2000AD!

Thrills Covered: 

  • Strontium Dog
  • The Mean Arena
  • Return to Armageddon
  • Judge Dredd
  • Meltdown Man
  • Future Shocks

Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Jealous Guy by Roxy Music


Collection 5 – Invasion

Quack quack, listeners! Bill Savage, Peter Silk, and their band of rag-tag resistance fighters arrive to fight off the evil Volgans in the year 1999 in this, the very first thrill of 2000AD and the fifth in our series of Space Spinner Collections! These collections have all of our coverage for a specific character or storyline, all in one place. They’re a great accompaniment to reading collected versions of 2000AD, or to just hear your favorite thrill all in one place. 

This week it’s time for vengeance with Invasion! Starting on January 1st 1999, it’s the tale of the the commie-nazis invading england, and the one man that has the strength, will, and shotgun to fight back against them! Invasion is one of our very favorite thirlls and is a fantastic mix of amazing action and gallows humor. It’s Red Dawn meets Deathwish, and it’s 100% fantastic. You can find Bill Savage’s adventures in digital format at the 2000AD web store:


Additionally, podcast host Conrad was recently on an episode of the Mega City Book Club podcast talking about Invasion, which can be found here, or on your preferred source of podcasts:


Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Spirits of the Future by roughNX (find them at https://www.roughnx.com)

ep 61 – Progs 198-201

In our thrilling sixty-first episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 198-201 of 2000 AD, covering February of 1981. Join us as Judge Dredd fights pirates and sows the seeds of the Apocalypse War, we get into showbiz with Return to Armageddon, we meet some animal brigands in Meltdown Man, and we start an amazing new story with Strontium Dog, Portrait of a Mutant!

Thrills Covered:

  • Tharg the Might
  • The Mean Arena
  • Return to Armageddon
  • Judge Dredd
  • Meltdown Man
  • Strontium Dog

Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Woman by John Lennon


Collection 4 – ABC Warriors

Spread the Word! Hammerstein and his team of meknificent robots arrive on Mars in the fourth in our series of Space Spinner Collections! These collections have all of our coverage for a specific character or storyline, all in one place. They’re a great accompaniment to reading collected versions of 2000AD, or to just hear your favorite thrill all in one place.

This week we’ll roll out with the ABC Warriors, going from the end of the Volgan War to the fontiers of the red planet as an awesome robot team is assembled and then begins it’s super awesome mission! The story of the ABC Warriors is truly classic 2000AD and must be experienced. Once you do you too will be ready to SPREAD THE WORD! You can find these tales of the ABC warriors in both digital and hardback formats at the 2000AD web store:


Or at your favorite book seller

Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Spirits of the Future by roughNX (find them at https://www.roughnx.com)

ep 60 – Progs 193-197

In our thrilling sixtieth episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 193-197 of 2000 AD, covering January of 1981. Join us as we meet some old friends as the Fink comes to Mega-City One, learn the history of street football and the Mean Area, beat some bad boys with Strontium dog, and melt down with…Return to Armageddon?

Thrills Covered:

  • Strontium Dog
  • Mean Arena
  • Judge Dredd
  • Meltdown Man
  • Return to Armageddon
  • Ro-Jaws Robo-Tales

Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Imagine by John Lennon


ep 59 – 1980 Year in Review

In our thrilling fifty-ninth episode Fox and Conrad take a break from reviewing weekly progs to reminisce on the whole of 2000 AD comics for the year 1980. It’s a chance to reflect, review, and give out awards! Welcome to the 1980 Spinnies! At the end of every chronological year in our prog timeline we’ll give out awards to the storylines and thrills we liked best over the last year.

Award Categories:

  • Best Art
  • Best Story
  • Best Overall Thrill
  • Best Month
  • Best Year

Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: There’s No-One Quite LIke Grandma by St. Winifred’s School Choir


ep 58 – Progs 189-192

In our thrilling fifty-eighth episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 189-192 of 2000 AD, covering December of 1980. Join us as we fight space zombies in Return to Armageddon, party hard with Johnny Alpha and Wulf, hit a pit stop with Judge Dredd, and consult with Abelard Snazz about Robots! Also, this is the month podcast host Conrad born! Hooray!

Thrills Covered:

  • Strontium Dog
  • Ro-Jaws Robo-Tales
  • Mean Arena
  • Judge Dredd
  • Meltdown Man
  • Return to Armageddon

Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Super Trouper by ABBA


Collection 3 – Dan Dare – The Lost Worlds

The pilot of the future blasts off as Dan Dare and his band of space criminals head off for the Lost Worlds in the third in our series of Space Spinner Collections! These collections have all of our coverage for a specific character or storyline, all in one place. They’re a great accompaniment to reading collected versions of 2000AD, or to just hear your favorite thrill all in one place.

This week we head to back to the very early days of 2000AD, and to deep space as English legacy space explorer Dan Dare returns to 2000AD after a brief retooling, and proceeds to have a bunch of awesome space adventures! Check it out, and learn why the “Battle Action Playset” era is our favorite Dan Dare! You can find Dan Dare in both digital and hardback formats at the 2000AD web store:



Or at your favorite book seller

Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Spirits of the Future by roughNX (find them at https://www.roughnx.com)