ep 254 – Progs 776-779

In our thrilling two hundred and fifty-fourth episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 776-779 of 2000AD, covering March & April 1992. This episode we’re clearing the decks ahead of a big relaunch, with some self contained Dredd and Harlem Heroes stories, plus the climaxes of Finn and the Clown.

Note: the image for this episode says it’s 775-779, we apologize for the error.

Thrills Covered:

  • Judge Dredd
  • Finn
  • Harlem Heroes
  • Tales From Beyond Science
  • The Clown

Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Support the show at patreon.com/cradeline

Song: Deeply Dippy by Right Said Fred


ep 253 – Progs 772-775

In our thrilling two hundred and fifty-third episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 772-775 of 2000AD, covering February & March 1992. This episode Dredd goes up against some Koole dudes, we’ll get the band back together in Skizz, Finn is hunting newts, and we’ll learn more about The Clown and Tales From Beyond Science!

Thrills Covered:

  • Judge Dredd
  • Skizz
  • Brigand Doom
  • Finn
  • Durham Red
  • Tales From Beyond Science
  • The Clown

Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Support the show at patreon.com/cradeline

Song: Stay by Shakespear’s Sister


ep 252 – Progs 768-771

In our thrilling two hundred and fifty-second episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 768-771 of 2000AD, covering February 1992. This episode Dredd brings justice to outer space, Skizz makes a new friend, Durham Red heats up, and Finn is here to squash some newts!

Thrills Covered:

  • Judge Dredd
  • Skizz
  • Trash
  • Brigand Doom
  • Durham Red
  • Finn

Contact the show at: spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Song: Goodnight Girl by Wet Wet Wet


ep 251 – Progs 764-767

In our thrilling two hundred and fifty-first episode Fox and Conrad continue their journey through the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with Progs 764-767 of 2000AD, covering January 1992. This episode Dredd and Bix Barton head to space, Trash travels some country roads, Durham Red is just plain tripping, and both Brigand Doom and Skizz return for new journeys! 

Thrills Covered:

  • Judge Dredd
  • Bix Barton
  • Trash
  • Brigand Doom
  • Durham Red
  • Skizz

Contact the show at: spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Support the show at patreon.com/cradeline

Song: Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me by George Michael and Elton John


Casefile Collection 05

We continue our series of collected coverage of the Judge Dredd Complete Casefiles with volume five, covering progs 208-270. This casefile has something for everyone! We’ll learn about the Mega-Rackets of Mega-City One, have a rematch with Judge Death, and then go toe to toe with a super power as Block Mania leads to the Apocalypse War!

You can get your own copy of Casefiles 5 here: https://shop.2000ad.com/catalogue/XB281

Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Support the show at patreon.com/cradeline

Song: Judge Dredd Main Theme by Alan Silvestri

Casefile Collection 04

We continue our series of collected coverage of the Judge Dredd Complete Casefiles with volume four , covering progs 156 to 207. This collection is a mix of a massive epic, The Judge Child Quest, and a bunch of smaller stories set in Mega-City One, many of which develop the character of the city and it’s citizens, as well as how Dredd interacts with them.

You can get your own copy of Casefiles 4 here: https://shop.2000ad.com/catalogue/XB274

Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Support the show at patreon.com/cradeline

Song: Judge Dredd Main Theme by Alan Silvestri

Casefile Collection 03

We continue our series of collected coverage of the Judge Dredd Complete Casefiles with volume three, covering progs 116 to 154, and the 1979 2000AD Annual. After some epic tales it’s time to dig in and learn about the world Dredd lives in, with a collection of tales focusing on Mega-City One. Of course there’s still time for massive spider invasions, were-dinosaurs, and inter-dimensional avatars of death, don’t worry!

You can get your own copy of Casefiles 3 here: https://shop.2000ad.com/catalogue/XB266

Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Support the show at patreon.com/cradeline

Song: Judge Dredd Main Theme by Alan Silvestri

Casefile Collection 02

We continue our series of collected coverage of the Judge Dredd Complete Casefiles with volume two, covering progs 61 to 115. This time Dredd gets epic, with a pair of massive tales, The Cursed Earth and The Day the Law Died! It’s an adventurous good time, and we hope you’ll enjoy reliving it with us.

You can get your own copy of Casefiles 2 here: https://shop.2000ad.com/catalogue/XB266

Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Support the show at patreon.com/cradeline

Song: Judge Dredd Main Theme by Alan Silvestri

Casefile Collection 01

We start our series of collected coverage of the Judge Dredd Complete Casefiles with volume one, covering progs 2 to 60. The earliest adventures of the lawman of the future, complete with long lost brothers, space olympics, robot revolutions, and overbearing housekeepers! It’s an exciting time, and we hope you’ll enjoy reliving it with us.

Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Support the show at patreon.com/cradeline

Song: Judge Dredd Main Theme by Alan Silvestri

ep 250 – 1991 Year in Review

In our thrilling two hundred and fiftieth episode Fox and Conrad take a break from reviewing weekly progs to reminisce on the whole of 2000 AD comics for the year 1991. It’s a chance to reflect, review, and give out awards! Welcome to the 1991 Spinnies! At the end of every chronological year in our prog timeline we give out awards to the storylines and thrills we liked best over the last year. Stay tuned until the end to hear what’s coming up in 1992 from both 2000AD and our show!

Programming note: Once more we’re taking a bit of a break before we start our coverage of 1992. But never fear! We’ll be tantalizing you with some classic content in the form of Judge Dredd Casefile Collections for the next few weeks!

Award Categories:

  • Best Art
  • Best Story
  • Best Overall Thrill
  • MVP of 1991
  • Best Month
  • Best Year

Contact the show at spacespinner2000@gmail.com

Support the show at patreon.com/cradeline

Song: (Everything I Do) I Do It for You by Bryan Adams
